Humboldt Students Engage with their Neighbours in Constance21. March 2019 by Humboldt-Institut

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, students of the Humboldt-Institut Constance organized an international buffet by and for women together with the community center Allmannsdorf.
The community center is only a few meters away from the Humboldt-Institut. It is a meeting place for citizens of all generations from the surrounding districts, from young parents to senior citizens. The joint buffet was the first collaboration between the center and Humboldt. Participating were students from Angola, China, Gambia, Mexico, Venezuela and, of course, many women from the neighborhood.
Exchange between cultures and generations
Our students had the opportunity to talk to their neighbors, ask many questions and of course answer many questions as well. After getting to know each other, there was soon a lively exchange on topics such as the differences in everyday life between Germany and the home countries of the students. Accompanied by music from Angola, impressions and experiences were exchanged. For example, one lady often traveled to China with her husband, a travel journalist, in the 1980s, and was there for the last time three years ago.
Of course, our students were able to apply their German language skills and learn new vocabulary in the conversations, for example the expression “jemanden aus der Reserve locken“ (= to draw someone out of his shell). For all participants the international evening was a lovely experience with many new insights and an open exchange between cultures and generations.