Humboldt-Institut receives ST Star Award German Language School17. October 2018 by Humboldt-Institut

The Humboldt-Institut has been voted “ST Star German Language School 2018” by educational agents and counselors from around the world.
The Humboldt-Institut is very happy to receive the 2018 Star Award in the category German Language School. We would like to thank our students, agents and partners across the globe. They all have greatly contributed to the fact that the Humboldt-Institut grows steadily. We will continue to try everything possible to fulfill the high expectations that our clients and partners have concerning the quality of our German courses and the all-inclusive service of the Humboldt-Institut. This summer we had the pleasure of welcoming the 70,000th student in the history of the Humboldt-Institut and hope for many more to come. Thank you!
The complete list of all award winners is available online: ST Star Awards 2018